Enticing hotel promotions & packages in Phuket.
Immerse yourself in luxury during a lavish family getaway with exclusive privileges offered by the finest Phuket hotels.
Book directly to receive a complimentary airport transfer (applicable to specific room types and minimum stay required)
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Stay Longer Special
- Private one-way airport transfer
The longer you stay, the more you save. Extend your journey and luxuriate in savings of up to 20%.
Advance Purchase Special
- Private one-way airport transfer
Book in advance to save up to 15% and receive daily breakfast for two.
Last-Minute Escape
- Private one-way airport transfer
Spontaneous luxury awaits in Phuket. Book within 30 days of your getaway and save up to 10% on accommodation.
Anantara Andaman Discovery Retreat
FromBook consecutive stays at two or more Anantara properties in the Andaman and save 10% on luxurious accommodations.
Best Flexible Rate
- Private one-way airport transfer
Enjoy exceptional rates on luxurious stays with the freedom you need to change your dates when you need to.
Thai Cheese, Honey, and Wine Tasting Experience
FromTaste Thai honey, cheese, and wine at Dara every Wednesday
Valentine’s Day Dining Experience
FromTreat your loved one to a remarkable dining experience this Valentine’s. With exclusive, thoughtfully curated offerings, we’ve designed the perfect setting to celebrate love in style.
Feast Beneath the Stars – A Zodiac Celebration Awaits
FromCelebrate the Year of the Snake at Dara with Chef Hong's Thai creations inspired by Chinese heritage. Savour starlit dining, zodiac stories and unforgettable moments
Revitalize Your Wellness Journey
Restore your energy and elevate your well-being with our exclusive Revitalization Package.
Layan Beach Wedding Package
Say ‘I do’ with the ocean as your witness. Celebrate with family and friends under the stars.
** All Direct Booking Benefits are applicable to specific room types or stay dates and cannot be used in conjunction with other offers.