Discover the world with Anantara
Discover the world in ultimate luxury and style. Touch down to a blissful stay on a distant Maldives atoll. Explore the ancient temples of Sri Lanka or Cambodia. Experience wild adventure in Africa. Our multi-day private jet experiences take you to Anantara’s most enchanting destinations.
Our curated private jet experiences bring you to the world's most inspirational locales. Explore them below, or tailor your itinerary with the destinations and duration of your choice. Choose from our locations around the world and start crafting an extraordinary journey.
Please note that our curated journeys are exemplary and can be fully tailored to your preferences.
The wonders of Southeast Asia
Phuket – Golden Triangle – Hoi An – Angkor Wat – Bali – Bangkok
A journey of sands & savannahs
UAE – Oman – Tunisia – Zambia
Indian Ocean immersions
Maldives – Sri Lanka – Seychelles – Mauritius