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Traditional Thai Wedding

Plan your Wedding

An island celebration steeped in tradition.

The many rituals of a traditional Thai wedding are made easy with your wedding planner guiding you through the day.

Gather family and friends to pour water and bless your union in a secluded tropical setting. Let the chanting of the monks and the rhythm of gamelan players immerse you in the destination. Share a romantic evening for two, dining on the beach before releasing flame-lit lanterns into the night sky. 

Package includes:
  • Anantara wedding planner
  • Exclusive use of the tropical garden, cliffside deck or beach
  • Master of ceremonies (English-speaking)
  • Morning blessing ceremony: 
    • Floral decorations
    • Two wedding garlands for the bride and groom
    • Five monks 
    • Five sets of food alms 
    • Traditional set-up for monks
    • Water blessing set
    • Thai sweets for the tea ceremony
    • Guest seating
    • Live traditional Thai khim and pre-recorded background music 
    • Anantara wedding certificate (non-legal)
  • Evening romance for two:
    • Love palm tree planting
    • Choice of one-hour stress release or Thai massage for bride and groom at Anantara Spa
    • In-villa sunset cocktails and canapés
    • Dining by Design for two
    • Honeymoon set-up in villa
    • Roundtrip speedboat transfers for two 

Package starts from THB 98,000 net

Anantara Rasananda Koh Phangan Villas

  • 64 suite e ville con piscina
  • Incastonate tra palme altissime e acque cristalline
  • Spa di lusso immersa nella vegetazione naturale dell'isola
  • Ville davanti al mare su una delle più belle spiagge thailandesi
Termini e condizioni
  • Price is in THB and inclusive of 10% service charge and 7% government tax.
  • Unused portions of the package are non-refundable in cash or in kind.
  • Speedboat transfers are shared and based on a minimum three-night stay.  

For more information call +66 77 239 555 or email [email protected].