• BRLReal brasiliano
  • BWPPula del Botswana
  • CADDollaro canadese
  • DKKDanish Krone
  • HKDDollaro di Hong Kong
  • IDRRupia indonesiana
  • ILSNuovo shekel israeliano
  • INRRupia indiana
  • KHRRiel cambogiano
  • KRWWon sudcoreano
  • KWDDinaro kuwaitiano
  • LAKKip laotiano
  • LKRRupia singalese
  • LSLLoti lesothiano
  • MURRupie mauriziane
  • MXNPeso messicano
  • MYRRinggit malese
  • MZNMetical mozambicano
  • NADDollaro namibiano
  • NZDDollaro neozelandese
  • OMRRiyal dell'Oman
  • PHPPeso filippino
  • QARRiyal del Qatar
  • SARRiyal saudita
  • SCRRupia delle Seychelles
  • SGDDollaro di Singapore
  • SZLLilangeni dello Swaziland
  • TNDDinaro tunisino
  • TWDNuovo dollaro di Taiwan
  • VNDDong vietnamita
  • ZARRand sudafricano
  • ZMWKwacha dello Zambia
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Miglior Tariffa Garantita

Avete trovato una tariffa migliore altrove? In questo caso, saremo lieti di offrirvi lo stesso prezzo. E se trovate una tariffa migliore entro 24 ore dalla vostra prenotazione, vi offriremo lo stesso prezzo e aggiungeremo uno sconto del 10%.

*Si applicano Termini e condizioni

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Stay Longer Special

Prenotare VIEW RATES
The longer you stay, the more exclusive the offer is. Extend your journey and luxuriate in offers of up to 15%.

Linger a little longer, savour the days having more nights to remember with our Stay Longer special offer. Indulge yourself in the Anantara elegant luxury, benefiting from great advantages, and immersing in the local authenticity.


  • Stay three nights or more and save up to 15% on accommodation with daily breakfast
  • Additional 5% savings for Discovery Members

Anantara Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky Amsterdam

  • 402 camere di lusso e suite nel centro di Amsterdam
  • Di fronte al Palazzo Reale e al Monumento Nazionale in Piazza Dam
  • Situato in posizione centrale in un edificio risalente al 1855
  • Esperienze gastronomiche esclusive
  • Spa, benessere e palestra
CHECK-IN 15:00
Ristorazione premiata Palestra Spa Spazio meeting ed eventi WiFi gratuito Pet-friendly Inimitabili esperienze della tavola
Termini e condizioni
  • This offer includes up to 15% savings on flexible rate and it is subject to a minimum stay of three nights.
  • Rate applies for the following meal plans: breakfast or half Board.
  • Full pre-payment is required at time of reservation, non-refundable or transferrable; if cancellation takes place, guests forfeit total room charge.
  • Rate subject to availability and valid only in participating hotels. Rates are based per room, on selected occupancy and availability at time of reservation and do not include additional services per room, per night charges that may be imposed or state/local taxes.
  • Blackout dates and other restrictions may apply.
  • Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or promotions.
  • Children Policy: Complimentary stay and crib for children up to 2 years old. Between 2 and 12 years old, children are entitled to a complimentary extra bed (not available in Superior Room or Deluxe Room). With 12 years old or more, stay is charged at full rate.
  • For more information on applicable tariffs during your desired booking period or to make a reservation, please contact our reservations desk or click on 'Book Now'.