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Thailand Phuket


Thailand Phuket

Embark on an inspirational journey on the sparkling waters of Phuket. Explore hidden coves and limestone shores aboard a luxury yacht. Snorkel in crystal-clear waters, sip and snack on your sun-kissed deck and surrender to the soothing sounds of the Andaman Sea. Venture from the beaten path and see a whole new side of Phuket.


From tranquil mountain jungle to sun-kissed tropical islands, let Anantara lead you on a journey through one of Southeast Asia’s captivating destinations. Explore the ancient northern kingdoms of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. Venture south to white-sand beaches and turquoise waters. Or immerse yourself in the energy of Bangkok from a luxurious urban base or a lavish riverside suite.




Explore Andaman Sea
Luxury Yacht
Discover Andaman Sea
Limestone Shores
Mai Khao
Dining by Design
Phuket Suites