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Island Indulgence


Island Indulgence

Discover the essence of rejuvenation at Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort. Indulge in the Anantara Signature Massage, where tailored movements and aromatic oils align body and spirit. Experience the revolutionary BIOTEC by Elemis, a facial that redefines skincare with bio-electric technology. Or immerse in the ancient art of Traditional Thai Massage, performed in our serene open-air Thai Sala, for a transformative, holistic wellness experience.


White-sand shores. Turquoise waters that stretch to the horizon. Breath-taking nature, above and below the surface of the Indian Ocean. Set sail for distant islands and explore local cultures. Spend lazy days amid endless views on a deck by your private pool. Immerse yourself in transformative wellness journeys, or enjoy exquisite dining in spectacular settings. Escape to a Maldivian island paradise, where every moment is of your making.




Relaxation Moment
Spa Deck
Spa Sala
Spa Sunset
Treatment Room