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  • BWPPula del Botswana
  • CADDollaro canadese
  • DKKDanish Krone
  • HKDDollaro di Hong Kong
  • IDRRupia indonesiana
  • ILSNuovo shekel israeliano
  • INRRupia indiana
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  • KWDDinaro kuwaitiano
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  • MYRRinggit malese
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  • OMRRiyal dell'Oman
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  • QARRiyal del Qatar
  • SARRiyal saudita
  • SCRRupia delle Seychelles
  • SGDDollaro di Singapore
  • SZLLilangeni dello Swaziland
  • TNDDinaro tunisino
  • TWDNuovo dollaro di Taiwan
  • VNDDong vietnamita
  • ZARRand sudafricano
  • ZMWKwacha dello Zambia
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Miglior Tariffa Garantita

Avete trovato una tariffa migliore altrove? In questo caso, saremo lieti di offrirvi lo stesso prezzo. E se trovate una tariffa migliore entro 24 ore dalla vostra prenotazione, vi offriremo lo stesso prezzo e aggiungeremo uno sconto del 10%.

*Si applicano Termini e condizioni

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Advance Purchase

Prenotare VIEW RATES

Book in advance to save from 15%.

Step back in time in one of the most storied cities in the world. Plan an amazing escape ahead to save from 15%.

Wander the nearby Danube, then return to unwind in Old World glamour mixed with contemporary luxury. Mingle at New York Café, host to the city’s poets and artists for over a century, and enjoy 24-carat-gold coffee and cakes.

Package includes:

  • From 15% savings on accommodation
  • 5 DISCOVERY Dollars (D$) for bookings made on our website  

Anantara New York Palace Budapest Hotel

  • Situato nel centro storico di Budapest
  • A pochi passi dalle principali attrazioni turistiche come il teatro Madach e teatro dell’Opera di Stato ungherese e il quartiere ebraico.
  • Facile accesso a metro, tram e autobus
  • 185 suite e camere
  • Anantara Spa, piscina coperta e palestra
  • Sede del famoso New York Café, conosciuto come “il bar più bello del mondo”.
  • Eventi sontuosi per un massimo di 500 invitati
  • Pet friendly (sono ammessi cani e gatti)
CHECK-IN 3:00 pm
CHECK-OUT 12:00 pm
Ristorazione premiata WiFi gratuito Palestra Pet-friendly Spa Inimitabili esperienze della tavola Spazio meeting ed eventi
Termini e condizioni
  • Above rate includes all taxes.
  • It includes from 15% discount on bookings made up to 30 days in advance.
  • The rate quoted is per night, includes discount, is subject to seasonal variations and change without notice.
  • Rate noted above is based on recent currency exchange data. The rate indicated on your confirmation is in the official hotel currency and will be charged at that rate on check-out.
  • Full deposit non-refundable prepayment required at the time of booking.
  • The above benefits may not be used in conjunction with any other discount or exchanged for any other service or cash.
  • You will earn a minimum of 5 DISCOVERY Dollars (D$) for every booking made through our website, no matter the rate. Points will be credited upon check-out and can be used over the following 3 months. In case of consecutive stays in the same hotel, points will be credited only once.