Put your wellbeing first and trust our experts to take you to a place of true relaxation and reinvigoration. Indulge in exclusive rituals and indigenous therapies and let the blissfulness of the paradise outside permeate within.
Choose a LaCambuse Fusion Massage - a Tamarin salt body scrub followed by a 60-minute signature Mauritian fusion massage combining hot stone, heated sand, and herbs poultice for intense relaxation, or opt for a Ylang Ylang Massage scrub using vanilla or ylang ylang in a creamy moisturising scrub based on fair trade, cold-pressed virgin oil from an organic farm.
Browse a full menu of traditional and exclusive fusion spa treatments to find exactly the right experience, or experiences, for you.
Choose a LaCambuse Fusion Massage - a Tamarin salt body scrub followed by a 60-minute signature Mauritian fusion massage combining hot stone, heated sand, and herbs poultice for intense relaxation, or opt for a Ylang Ylang Massage scrub using vanilla or ylang ylang in a creamy moisturising scrub based on fair trade, cold-pressed virgin oil from an organic farm.
Browse a full menu of traditional and exclusive fusion spa treatments to find exactly the right experience, or experiences, for you.