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Ancient Healing Art of Ya-Pao

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A traditional detoxification therapy used for centuries in Thailand, Ya-Pao works by balancing the wind, water, and fire elements in the body. As a thick herbal paste is applied to the abdomen, the heat starts gently warming the skin and releasing any abdominal tension. In addition to its known detoxifying properties, Ya-Pao can also alleviate symptoms like inflammation and cough by increasing the blood flow and targeting the lymphatic and digestive system.
Venue: Anantara Spa
Time: 10.00 am - 10.00 pm
Price: 60-minute Detox and Rebalance at THB 3,500++ per person

Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort

  • Ruhiges Dschungelambiente mit Aussicht auf drei Länder
  • 40 Zimmer und 15 Suiten, darunter 6 Familiensuiten
  • Preisgekröntes Elefantencamp, Wissenschaftliches Forschungs- und Schutzprogramm
  • All-inclusive-Discovery-Arrangement mit Elefanten-, Wellness-, Koch- und Kulturerlebnissen
Kostenloses WLAN
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
  • Prices are inclusive of 10% service charge and 7% government tax.
  • Advanced reservation is required.
  • For more information or reservations, dial ext.1301 or email [email protected]