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他でもっと良い価格を見つけましたか? その場合は、当ホテルは喜んでその価格に調整させていただきます。 お客様が予約後24時間以内に、もっと安い価格を見つけた場合には、その価格に調整した上で、さらに10%割引させていただきます。


Primary content

Sleep Restoration Programme

Enquire Now
Deep, restful sleep is incredibly important for our overall health.

Deep, restful sleep is incredibly important for our overall health. Struggling to fall asleep or battling frequent wake-ups not only affects quality of life but could be a signal of a deeper problem. To help you sleep better, our Sleep Restoration Programme combines an in-depth sleep test, medical consultation with a sleep doctor and a variety of measures to improve your sleep hygiene.

After measuring the quality and quantity of your sleep, we will address sleep issues related to stress, anxiety, imbalance in nutrition and difficulty of switching off with spa and wellness services, including mindfulness activities, nutrition advice, movement workshops, spa treatments, music therapy and more.

Click here for more information


  • 客室とスイートで合計190室
  • スイートはラグーンに直結 
  • タイのスパ、料理、ムエタイ体験
  • 歴史的な観光スポット、ショッピング、テーマパーク、ブドウ園、ゴルフコースへ簡単にお出かけ
  • A 100% non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking.
  • Above rate is inclusive of 10% service charge, applicable 7% government tax and 1% provincial tax.
  • The above benefits may not be used in conjunction with any other discounts or exchanged for any other service or cash.
  • Cancellation and deposit fees vary according to the season.
  • In case of no-shows or early departure, a 100% charge of the total stay applies.