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Vietnam The Vietage

Embark on a timeless adventure with The Vietage, Anantara’s luxury rail journey through Central Vietnam’s lush landscapes and stunning vistas. From the historic allure of Hoi An to the pristine beaches of Quy Nhon, The Vietage weaves a narrative of old-world charm, breathtaking scenery and gourmet indulgence. This remarkable journey, designed to inspire and rejuvenate, seamlessly connects the vibrant life of modern cities with the serene beauty of Vietnam’s coastal treasures.


From the ancient streets of Hoi An to the untouched shores of Quy Nhon and onto the desert dunes of Mui Ne, Anantara orchestrates a journey through Vietnam’s most enchanting landscapes. Discover a tapestry of cultural heritage, serene beaches, and vibrant natural wonders – each framed by Anantara's luxurious hospitality. 




The Vietage
The Vietage Bar
The Vietage Bar 1
The Vietage Bar Service
The Vietage interior