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United Arab Emirates Sir Bani Yas Island

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates Sir Bani Yas Island

Sir Bani Yas Island offers travellers the opportunity to see majestic wildlife roam free in a protected environment just off the coast of Abu Dhabi. Embark on an unforgettable 4x4 adventure where you will see herds of the endangered Arabian Oryx, ostriches, giraffes and more. Explore savannahs and experience wild adventure that every member of the family will love.


From journeys amid the dunes to adventures on sparkling waters, the United Arab Emirates hides a treasure trove of irresistible experiences in spectacular settings. Enjoy desert dining under sparkling stars, explore vast metropolises where modernity and tradition meet, or embark on exhilarating desert excursions or two wheels or four.




Anantara Al Yamm
Al Sahel Villa
Falcon Show
Wild Cheetah
Al Yamm
Al Sahel Villa
Dining by Design