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Underwater Dining at SEA


Underwater Dining at SEA

Dive into a mesmerising underwater dining adventure at the award-winning SEA Restaurant. This experience invites you on a 3D sensory journey, surrounded by the ocean’s enchanting beauty. Indulge in an exquisite culinary feast beneath the waves, where every dish is a discovery, and the Indian Ocean’s splendour envelops you in an unforgettable ambiance.


White-sand shores. Turquoise waters that stretch to the horizon. Breath-taking nature, above and below the surface of the Indian Ocean. Set sail for distant islands and explore local cultures. Spend lazy days amid endless views on a deck by your private pool. Immerse yourself in transformative wellness journeys, or enjoy exquisite dining in spectacular settings. Escape to a Maldivian island paradise, where every moment is of your making.




Sea Fire Salt Sky
Underwater Dining
Into the Sea
Underwater Details
SEA Wine Guru