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Tulips in Bloom


Tulips in Bloom

Experience the vibrant heart of Dutch spring with Anantara. From March to May, immerse yourself in fields of vivid tulips, learning about their cultivation and varieties. Conclude your exclusive journey with a gourmet picnic amidst the blooms and return home with a hand-gathered bouquet, capturing the essence of the Netherlands’ most renowned floral treasure.


A land woven with canals and enriched with artistic heritage, invites you to explore its vibrant culture and tranquil countryside. From the tulip-filled fields of the countryside to the historic streets of Amsterdam, experience a blend of tradition and innovation. Cycle down cobbled lanes, marvel at masterpieces of Dutch art and  relax in cosy cafes along the waterways.




Tulip Romance
Dine amidst tulips
Into Tulip Fields
Tulips in Bloom Dining
Tulips Dinning Experience