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Hoofprints in the Sand


Hoofprints in the Sand

Embrace the freedom of Mozambique’s pristine beaches with an enchanting horseback ride. Set out in the cool serenity of early morning or the golden glow of late afternoon, and discover the island’s beauty on horseback. Canter along powdery white sands, feel the ocean breeze and indulge in the rare delight of strolling beside your horse in the gentle sea waves, creating memories that resonate with the rhythm of nature.


African charm meets the allure of the Indian Ocean in Mozambique. Its coastline, dotted with idyllic islands, offers world-class diving, rich marine life and unspoiled beaches. Delve into the vibrant rhythms of Mozambican culture, savour tantalising seafood, or embark on a safari in its untamed wilderness. Mozambique offers a captivating blend of natural beauty and cultural richness.




Beach Riding
Riding at sunset
Twilight moment
Horse Riding
Dining View