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Elegant Infusions


Elegant Infusions

Immerse yourself in the epitome of sophistication in the Lobby Bar at Anantara Palazzo Naiadi Rome Hotel. Nestled amidst classic architecture, illuminated by Murano chandeliers and adorned with contemporary art, it offers a haven of elegance. Savour the perfect cappuccino paired with delectable Italian desserts, delve into an exquisite selection of Italian wines, or begin your evening with an enchanting aperitivo, setting the tone for a night of refined indulgence.


The land of food, love, history, faith – Italy attracts pilgrims from around the world. It is also home to the highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Immerse in the art of Michelangelo, Caravaggio and Botticelli as you wander museums, palaces and villas. Explore the mountainous Dolomites, the waterways of Venice, the ruins of Pompeii and the living history that is Rome.




Lobby Bar
Elegant bar
Hotel Entrance
Romance Moment