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Dine Among the Dunes


Dine Among the Dunes

Embark on an enchanting dining journey in the heart of the Tunisian Sahara. Nestled within a traditional Berber tent, surrounded by the vast desert, indulge in a meal where luxury meets tradition. Your personal butler serves a feast under the stars, accompanied by the comfort of woven cushions and rugs. Conclude with a traditional shisha and a selection of local dates, making for a truly unforgettable experience.


Gateway to Africa – where Mediterranean spirit mingles with ancient history. Wander through bustling souks, relax on golden beaches, or explore the remnants of ancient civilisations. From the Sahara’s vast dunes to the serene Mediterranean coast, Tunisia’s diverse landscapes and rich history make for an unforgettable journey of discovery.




Dunes Dining
Dining at Sunset
Sunset View
Dining Setup
Dining View