Inspired by the magical world of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland,” this year’s celebration promises a whirlwind of whimsy. From curious encounters to captivating performances delivered by characters plucked straight from Wonderland, this season will dazzle you with awe-inspiring illusions and dance.
Wondrous Wonderland
À partir de- Dîner de gala
- Départ tardif
Feel the magic with four nights in paradise as you ring in 2025 with a Wonderland-themed dinner and countdown party.
Tropical Wonderland New Year’s Eve Party
À partir deOn the eve of the New Year, prepare to step through the looking glass into a realm of magic and wonder.
Guilty Christmas Brunch
À partir deIndulge in a scrumptious spread of South American favourites with a glass of bubbly or spiced cocktail.
La Cena de Nochebuena Christmas Eve
À partir deSpecial five-course set menu paired with spirited rumba and salsa tunes, stunning views and a surprise visit.
Magical Christmas Beachside Gala Dinner
À partir deOur buffet-style Christmas Eve dinner, served with love and warmth, features spiced mulled wine, delectable Yule log cakes and other seasonal classics accompanied by live music.
Dining with the Stars A Michelin-Style Experience
À partir deTaking their inspiration straight from the Michelin-restaurant playbook, Chef Jarno & Friends.
Tree Lighting Ceremony
Sparkling cocktail reception for the guests in the lotus pond garden to kick off the festive season in style.
** Tous les avantages de la réservation directe s'appliquent à des types de chambres ou à des dates de séjour spécifiques et ne sont pas cumulables avec d'autres offres.