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Full Buyout Wedding

A private Abu Dhabi wedding amidst desert charm.

Traditional South Asian ceremonies to celebrate culture and love.

Weitläufige Wüstenansicht Kostenloses WLAN

Package includes:

  • Three days of wedding functions, including Sangeet, Baraat, Pheras and Mehendi
  • Turndown service with flowers and chocolates for the bride and groom.
  • Catering for the five main functions (Afternoon tea x 2, lunch x 1 and dinner x 2) over the three days
  • Bespoke buffet of Indian cuisine and for afternoon tea
  • Soda and juices during the wedding functions
  • Experienced wedding planner

Special group rate for guests staying at Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara, subject to availability.


*Additional charges may apply for any special requirements

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara

  • Eine abgeschiedene Oase, 90 Minuten von Abu Dhabi entfernt 
  • 140 Zimmer, 14 Suiten und 51 Poolvillen
  • Abenteuer in der Wüste 
  • Marokkanische Hammam- und Wüsten-Spa-Rituale
Kostenloses WLAN
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
  • Offer is available for a minimum of 250 guests - full buyout only
  • A wedding at our resort is symbolic in nature only. Please note that religious or legal weddings in hotels are not permitted in the U.A.E.
  • Rate is subject to 10% Service Charge, 5% VAT, 4% Tourism Fee and 4% Municipality Fee.
  • Subject to availability and a cancellation policy.