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Anantara River Cruise


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Exclusive River Cruise Experience in Hoi An

See Hoi An and the surrounding countryside from a new perspective as you sail down the Thu Bon River in a traditional style boat. Take in a beautiful sunset as you drift gently down the river.

Kostenloses WLAN
  • Drinks and snacks during the trip
  • Departure: 10.30 am or 2.30 pm or 4.30 pm
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Minimum of two people required

Anantara Hoi An Resort

  • 92 Zimmer und Suiten mit Wohnbereich auf 2 Ebenen
  • Weniger als einen Kilometer von der historischen Altstadt entfernt
  • Restaurants am Flussufer
  • Flusskreuzfahrten von unserem privaten Anlegesteg aus

CHECK-IN 14:00
Kostenloses WLAN
Terms and Conditions
  • Price is in Vietnamese Dong and includes all applicable government taxes and service charges
  • Price is based on one person.
  • Advance booking is required and is subject to availability.  A fee of 100% of the total charge will be applied to any cancellation received less than 24 hours before departure.
  • Rates are applicable from 30 January 2024, and are subject to change without notice.

For more information on applicable tariffs during your desired booking period, or to make a reservation, please contact our reservations desk or click on 'Enquire now'.