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Wellness in Angkor

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Anantara Angkor invites you to let go of the mundane stresses of daily life with this rejuvenating full day retreat which is meant to ease you into better physical and mental health through the practice of yoga, energy healing and healthy eating. Our goal is to help you achieve a holistic balance while providing you with healing practices that will aid in eradicating energy blockages and toxins that build up through the course of everyday life.

Butlerservice Kostenloses WLAN

 Wellness Treatment 

 Duration Price 
 Mindful Ritual  2 Days  USD 290
 The Ultimate Nature Wellness 3 Days  USD 400
 Refocus 3 Days  USD 320
 Rebalance 5 Days  USD 590



Anantara Angkor Resort

  • 39 Suiten im Khmer-Stil um einen Pool im Innenhof
  • 10 Minuten von Siem Reap und 15 Minuten von Angkor Wat entfernt
  • Von Ihrem persönlichen Experience-Butler organisierte VIP-Touren
CHECK-IN 14:00
Spa Pool
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
  • Above prices are inclusive of taxes and service
  • The rate quoted is including maximum discount and subject to availability.
  • Reservations must be made at least 3 days in advance.
  • Offer and inclusions cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount or package, and is non-exchangeable, transferrable or redeemable for cash.

For more information on applicable tariffs during your desired booking period, or to make a reservation, please contact our reservations desk or click on ‘Book Now’