Stay and Spa

Unwind with a relaxing stay including a blissful massage at Anantara Spa.
The undeniable charms of the French Riviera include moments of soothing tranquility at the hands of experienced experts. Indulge during your stay and surrender to utter serenity at Anantara Spa, where your personal therapist will discuss your needs to tailor the perfect custom massage just for you.
- 1 night Anantara accommodation
- 60-minute customised massage per person
- Breakfast
Hotel Anantara Plaza Nice
- Hotel patrimonial reformado con vistas al mar Mediterráneo
- Situada en Niza, ciudad de vacaciones de invierno de la Riviera Francesa incluida en la lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO.
- Junto al casco histórico y boutiques de lujo
- Fácil acceso a pie a la Plaza Masséna y el famoso Paseo de los Ingleses
- Impresionante restaurante y bar en la azotea
- Spa y gimnasio Anantara
- 151 elegantes suites y habitaciones
- Acceso a nuestra playa asociada ''Ruhl Plage''
- Trayecto de 20 minutos en coche al Aeropuerto Internacional de Niza
- Cerca de las atracciones y lugares de interés cultural más emblemáticos de la región
Wifi gratuito
Centro de bienestar
Espacios para reuniones y eventos
Términos y condiciones
- Rates includes 20% VAT for spa
- Rates includes 10% VAT for accommodation
- City tax of 4.69€ per night per person not included
- Rates quoted are per room per night, subject to availability, seasonal variations, blackout dates, a cancellation policy and change without notice.
- Rate noted above is based on recent currency exchange data. The rate indicated on your confirmation is in the official hotel currency and you will be charged at that rate at check-out.
- The above benefits may not be used in conjunction with any other offer or exchanged for any other service or cash.