Saturday brunch and plunge

Saturday Brunch and plunge
Join us at Sea.Fire.Salt. for our Saturday Brunch experience, while overlooking the sweeping sea view and indulge in an array of our Signature dishes by the Coast.
Fill your day with pink flamingoes and Campari cocktails. Be entertained by our resident DJ with chill-out beats to ease into your weekend.
Date: The first Saturday of every month
Time: 11.30am to 4pm
Venue: Sea.Fire.Salt. Restaurant
Price: RM298+ per person (food only)
Hops & grapes
Sparkling wine, house wine and beers add RM268+ per person
Campari cocktails at RM148+ per person
Zero alcohol
Soft drink, fresh juice and coconut juice at RM78+ per person
Hôtel Anantara Desaru Coast & Villas
- 108 chambres, villas et résidences
- Deux piscines, dont une piscine à débordement en bord de mer
- Restaurants malaisien, thaïlandais et international
- Activités pour les familles et clubs pour enfants et adolescents
For more information and reservations, please contact +60 7 828 0888 or email [email protected]